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Sometimes Bigger Is better. Introducing Mighty Patch Surface!

Since the moment we first discovered hydrocolloid acne patches, our goal has been to help others treat their acne and feel confident in their own skin.

Adult acne is normal. Teen acne is normal. Any acne is normal! We shouldn’t have to hide under layers of foundation and concealer (which can actually worsen the situation).

Mighty Patch is a simple alternative to piling on the makeup or smothering it with salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide. Many of our customers use Mighty Patch Original as overnight patches: they just stick one on and go to sleep while it heals the pimple, absorbing the pus and closing the wound.

But some of our customers had a request for a different sort of overnight treatment. They were experiencing more than just the occasional pimple - clusters of acne that had them using multiple pimple patches at once. And that’s not cost efficient (or as simple as Mighty Patch is intended to be) for anyone.

That’s exactly why we created our newest product: Mighty Patch Surface.

Hands peeling Mighty Patch Surface

Simply put, Mighty Patch Surface is a BIGGER hydrocolloid acne patch. Whether you have pimple clusters or cystic acne, these patches will absorb the pus from multiple pimples at once. Since many cluster breakouts appear on the cheeks, forehead and chin, Surface easily covers those wider areas. And it’s not just for your face. Bacne? Check. Chest breakouts? Check. No more going through an entire sheet of pimple patches in one night. A single Surface patch is large enough to take the place of five typical acne patches!

Woman putting Surface patch to jaw

Surface is formulated with the exact same ingredients as Mighty Patch Original and Invisible+, so it contains no alcohol, parabens, or sulfates and is safe for sensitive skin. It extracts impurities with the same pimple-zapping hydrocolloid power you already know and love in Mighty Patch. The super-thin, flexible Surface patch hugs the curves of your face (or other body parts). Plus, you can cut and/or combine patches to get the exact coverage you need.

Now that we’ve made it easy to treat multiple pimples at once, you have more time to get out there and be mighty! Order yours today and tell us what you think in the comments!

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Mighty Patch™ Variety Pack

For all your pimple emergencies

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