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Reducing Our Carbon Footprint, Today and Every Day

At Hero, we’re committed to caring about the Earth every day, not just on Earth Day. For far too long, the beauty industry has been one of the primary offenders responsible for the plethora of plastic packaging that ends up in landfills and waterways, which can ultimately drive toxic chemicals and bad microplastics into the environment and human water supply.

That’s why we’ve partnered with Carbonfund.organ organization that helps us achieve full carbon neutrality for our products that’s good for you and Mother Nature, too.


What is Foundation? is fighting climate change by making it easy and affordable for any individual, business or organization to reduce and offset their climate impact and hasten the transition to a clean energy future. Through climate change education, carbon offsets and reductions, and public outreach work, encourages everyone to reduce their carbon footprint as best as they can. The organization supports third-party validated and verified renewable energy, energy efficiency and reforestation projects globally that reduce carbon dioxide emissions and the variables impacting climate change.


DEFINITION: A carbon footprint is the total amount of greenhouse gases (e.g., carbon dioxide, methane, etc.) that our actions create in the environment.


What are the ways that Hero is making a difference?

We have joined the Carbonfree® Product Certification Program with the goal of fully offsetting the total carbon footprint for every single product we create.


As part of the program, a Life-Cycle Assessment (LCA) has determined the carbon footprint of each Hero product, so we can make the proper donation each quarter to offset all carbon emissions, based on actual sales. It’s a first big step toward a better (and greener) future for Hero and for our customers.


Happy Earth Day! Here’s to a more sustainable future and many more Earth Days ahead. 🌎 


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