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Aug. 19, 2019
How To Get Hero Cosmetics' Free Acne Patches Just In Time For Back To School

As someone who has dealt with cystic and hormonal acne on and off for the better part of my life, I've tried a lot of spot treatments. For me personally, nothing has worked better to quickly reduce the size and redness of pimples than acne patches.

Aug. 19, 2019
Hero Cosmetics Is Giving Free Acne Patches To College Students & Here's How To Get Some

“Feeling self-conscious about acne-prone skin can take all the fun out of reuniting with friends and classmates,” says Hero Cosmetics’ CEO and co-founder, Ju Rhyu. “In an effort to fulfill our mission of helping people feel confident despite their acne, we’re excited to offer free patches to students battling breakouts so they can head back to school worrying less about their pimples and focusing more on school.

Aug. 19, 2019
Mobile Marketer: Hero Cosmetics doubles down on TikTok after results dwarf Instagram's

Hero's latest social video campaign follows one that accompanied its introduction to 1,500 Target stores last month. The push helped to double Hero's sales goals at Target. TikTok videos were seven times more cost-effective than Instagram Stories and showed a 12% engagement rate, compared to 4.5% for Instagram. 

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