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May. 02, 2020
37 Skincare Products That Actually Do What They Say They Will

9. Hydrocolloid Hero Cosmetics pimple patches you should slap on a zit to 1) prevent picking, and 2) speed up the ~draining~ process. If you're looking for a no-frills way to stop cystic acne in its evil tracks, you may want to ~pick~ this product.

May. 02, 2020
The Social Distancing Skin-Care Stars Our Editors Are Swearing By This Month

"You know how a pimple looks all open and raw after it comes to the surface from wearing an acne patch? The new Hero Cosmetics Rescue Balm ($13) is designed for use at that phase. It's a balmy ointment that provides a protective layer over the pimple. This not only helps it heal faster but also allows for layering makeup overtop without causing any further irritation." — Jessica Harrington, associate beauty editor.

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